Šabac, 29 May 2024

Implementation of the Principles of Equality and Non-Discrimination in Local Governance

The importance of applying the principles of equality and non-discrimination in the daily operations of local self-governments was the theme of the fourth capacity-building training for good governance competence units at the local level, which was organised from 29 to 31 May 2024 in Šabac, by the Joint UN Programme "PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature", with the support of the Swiss Government.

"Although we are making significant progress towards improving equality, discrimination remains present in all spheres of society. Local self-government (LSGs), as the most important service provider for citizens, must make strides in applying the principles of equality and non-discrimination. This training significantly enhances my daily work, as I am involved in projects where it is crucial to include vulnerable groups and their needs in both planning and implementation, and to consider multiple perspectives,” said Ljiljana Šobić, Head of the Project Management Department of the City Administration of Kragujevac.

Participants had the opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of these principles and concepts, and to distinguish between them. They applied their newly acquired knowledge to concrete examples, understanding the legal foundations for combating all forms of discrimination and ensuring equality before the law. They learned to identify instances where personal characteristics become a source of discrimination and familiarised themselves with basic mechanisms for protection against discrimination.

The Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality also contributed to the discussion on the role and obligations of LSGs in combating discrimination and promoting and protecting equality.

“The impressions from this training, as well as from the previous three, are very satisfactory. The principles of non-discrimination and equality are crucial as they intersect with all activities in our daily work, and a good understanding of these principles will help us further improve decision-making at the local level,” emphasised Renata Bajkić, an Advisor in the Office for Local Economic Development of Ražanj Municipality.

The training is part of the comprehensive support provided by the Programme to LSGs, aimed at improving good governance through: enhancing the provision of public services to citizens and businesses, improving eGovernance, establishing eService, opening data, improving local regulations and their application, and empowering decision-makers to implement gender-responsive governance and budgeting at the local level.

The Programme "PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature" is jointly implemented by the United Nations agencies in Serbia - UNOPS, UNICEF, UNFPA, and UNEP, in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Serbia and with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland.