Vrnjačka Banja, 7 June 2024

The Third Training on Gender-Responsive Governance and Budgeting

As part of the comprehensive training programme on gender responsive governance and budgeting, the Joint UN Programme “PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature,” implemented with the support of the Government of Switzerland, held its third training session for representatives from 16 local self-governments, in Vrnjačka Banja from 5 to 7 June, 2024.

The goal of this training is to empower decision-makers to develop and support the implementation of gender-sensitive policies at the local level. From the initial needs analysis in local self-governments, through gender analysis and gender-responsive budgeting, participants in the training had the opportunity to master the necessary tools for defining objectives, target groups, and planning consultations with stakeholders, which are essential elements of good governance and gender-responsive governance.

“This is the third, extremely significant training, especially since we are currently working on evaluating the current Gender Equality Action Plan. The topics are very important, and the training provides us with excellent tools that give us the strength and capacity to address any irregularities. They help us to enter the new round of strategic planning on the right track, all for the benefit of our users, our fellow citizens, and entire families, as this area focuses on the well-being of the whole community, not just women,” said Dr. Gordana Damjanović, Assistant Mayor of Kragujevac and President of the Gender Equality Council.

The training also addressed resistance to gender-responsive governance and how to overcome it, and representatives from the 16 local self-governments began drafting individual plans for further work and the application of gender-responsive governance principles and good governance in practice.

“After this third training, we already have a more complete picture of the entire process, and we are beginning to apply the knowledge we have acquired in practice. The topics are current, and the training allows us to properly direct our further work in this area,” said Jelena Leković, Director of the Center for Social Work in the Municipality of Nova Varoš.

With the support of the Programme, the implementation of gender-responsive governance and budgeting will be enhanced in the following local self-governments: Babušnica, Bela Palanka, Vrnjačka Banja, Dimitrovgrad, Zaječar, Knić, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Kruševac, Ljubovija, Nova Varoš, Pirot, Raška, Sokobanja, Topola, and Ćuprija.

The Programme "PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature" is jointly implemented by the United Nations agencies in Serbia - UNOPS, UNICEF, UNFPA, and UNEP, in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Serbia and with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland.